Tuesday, 29 March 2016

Exciting tango happenings for Apr/May 2016

Hi there,
I hope you had a lovely Easter break! 

The year seems to have flown by so far, but gladly the cold (if not the rain) is flying away with it.

A couple of weeks ago I reflected on 10 years of tango dancing. Following from that, I made a little promo video you may enjoy here: https://youtu.be/VkcEST2ghBQ

On to exciting tango happenings for April and May (and for a new taste of Blues dance, scroll to the end). 

Firstly I'm very happy to announce I'll be teaching two tango workshops on Sat 7th May, at TLC with Tracie. They will be a great opportunity to come and get a little more detail and time to absorb than you would in a group class, on techniques and movements you'll enjoy using in your social dancing. Here are the specifics:

May 7th, 12:30 - 2:30pm - Wraps, ganchos and free leg play

Learn all about how to get the most out of the free leg, for followers and leaders. This workshop delves into how to dance the playful movement of leg wraps, ganchos and more, with confidence, precision and safety. Suitable for all dancers already comfortable with walking, crosses, ochos and giros.

May 7th, 3:00 - 5:00pm - Vals turns and alterations

Dancing to Vals can be a sumptuous, twirling flight. In this workshop we'll explore a variety of particularly delicious turns and alterations, with a detailed breakdown of the follower and leader technique, that will bring more of that feeling to your Vals dancing. Suitable for all dancers already comfortable with walking, crosses, ochos and giros.

Both workshops can be booked now via TLC, and neither require a partner. It's £17 for one, or £30 for both workshops, per person.

Apr 9th - 10th  - Over this weekend I'm running another one of my weekend beginner Argentine tango courses. 2-5:30pm on both Sat & Sun @ The Hut, 2 Reynolds Rd, Shirley. There are still a few places left if you want to come and refresh and refine the very basics (two students did that on the last one and found it very worthwhile), or know any complete beginners who'd like to give tango a go. Here is the info and booking page:

Before that, coming up next weekend, Sat 2nd April there is a Milonga at TLC. 4 DJs and a great crowd. So hopefully see you there! Also, the highly regarded Mabel Rivero is teaching ladies technique workshops @ TLC on 1st and 2nd April, so any ladies who want to do that speak to Tracie now and she'll put you on the reserve list.

For anyone on the Isle of Wight on Sunday 3rd April, I've been invited to run two tango workshops there. See the FB event for details on that and how to book.

Wed group classes. I've been enjoying teaching at TLCs very much since November. It's been great to see so much enthusiasm and also some steady progress over those months from so many students. Over the next couple of months I'll be teaching a series of lessons on the Wednesdays on particular themes.

Wed 6th & 13th Apr @ TLC:
Crazy crosses/Cross city  -  everyone knows how to cross in tango, right? Actually this basic element of tango dancing has a whole world of playful possibilities beyond the staple cross over to the followers right. Come and explore some of them over these 2 weeks.

Wed 4th - 25th Apr @ TLC:
Advanced Giros (using colgadas, sacadas & wraps)  -  what is it that makes the giro a foundation of both basic social dancing and the most impressive tango performances? The giro can be simple and functional, but it can also be meltingly elegant in that simplicity, or expanded into something dazzling and intricate. These 4 lessons will help you find new life and delight in a variety of different giros.

While anyone who might come to the level 4 class on Wed (or feels ready to try) is welcome to drop in to any of the above, to get to most from it, it is recommended to attended the whole of each series of lessons on a theme. Why have only a slice, when you could have the whole pie?

Monday practica. Aside from the regular group classes the Monday practica has been up and running now since Dec, and everyone who comes seems to be getting a lot out of it. If you're serious about progressing in your tango skills, then regular practice (not just milongas and classes) is essential. There's no minimum standard for the practica, everyone is welcome, 8:30 - 10:30+pm @ The Hut, 2 Reynold Rd, Shirley. I'm there, on hand for the whole time to help with anything you might want to practice. If you'd like to come, please join the Practica FB group

Finally on the tango news, I'd like to run a milonga @ the Hut. No fixed date as yet, but I wanted to get your feelings on trying it in such a petite venue. The appeal for me is that small size, and how it can help create a beautiful togetherness and flow between the dancers and the ronda. It can be scary at first, but then you may find the unique charms of a cosy milonga quite enjoyable. That's why it will be called 'Milonga Abrigada'. So, if you're keen or at least curious about the idea of the milonga (maybe once a month at most), please let me know.

Blues dance - here's a chance to try it

Having a general interest in dance, a couple of years ago I stumbled across a variety of Blues style Mo'jive dancing and absolutely loved it, most especially the laid back, smooth grooviness of it, with clear accents of tango. I recently decided it was time to explore it a bit more, and perhaps what else Blues has to offer. Luckily enough it turns out there are some Blues specialists based on the Isle of Wight. Having been in touch with Basil and Mandy for a little while I've invited them to come and teach some Blues workshops in Southampton! The venue is the lovely Friends Meeting House in Southampton.

The first one on Sunday 17th April is aimed mainly at Jive dancers (but is open to everyone). So, if you know any who you think might enjoy some Blues, do let them know!

The second one on Saturday May 28th is aimed at tango dancers (and those who already did the Apr one).

You can find the full detail, more about the teachers and online booking for the Blues workshops here:
17th Apr - http://www.tangolingua.com/workshops/guest-teacher/blues-dance-for-jive-dancers
28th May - http://www.tangolingua.com/workshops/guest-teacher/steal-the-edge-blues-dance
Any queries, just ask.

Happy dancing,

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