Tuesday, 2 November 2010

pivoting technique and moving without strain - practica session notes

This coming monday, 8th Nov, the theme will be pivoting technique and moving without strain.

how can you pivot with minimal effort? how can you keep your balance more easily when turning, doing ochos and giros? There are some particular things you can do in the way you move and hold your chest, waist, hips and legs that really help. We'll be going over those in the session and also giving some practical tips to avoid strains in your body when dancing.

3 step forward turn kata:
  1. project free leg with out-turn of foot
  2. weight transfer with turn from waist and open hip, straight back leg with outward angle of foot
  3. bring back leg to close, keep shape of standing leg fixed as you rotate on ball of foot, allow waist to untwist, do not allow your trailing leg to cross the line of your standing leg
repeat above for forward ochos

flowing super relaxed forward ochos with front baleo - effortless rotation applying above principles

contrast with some stressful alternative ways of doing forward ochos, feel the difference in your body.

3 step back turn kata:
  1. project free leg back and staight with out-turn of foot
  2. weight transfer with turn from waist. do not rotate or 'close' hips.
  3. bring free leg to close, keep shape of standing leg fixed as you rotate on ball of foot, allow waist to untwist, do not allow your trailing leg to cross the line of your standing leg. visualize being pulled around and slightly into the floor from the middle side of your back, as if by a rope.
repeat above for back ochos

try 360 back rotation in relaxed fashion.

comes from compromising your core, pinching or over twisting back, stepping with hips out of alignment, etc. leaders and followers be mindful to allow your partner freedom to take their axis and to pivot freely. discuss elasticity and mirror quality of frame. applications, back ocho into back secarda. 

common trouble spots for strain: barridas, step overs, ganchos, boleos

brain teaser: leader does continual 270(ish) rotation back ocho secardas to the follower's 270 rotation forward ochos. This is practically impossible, unless you get the above principles and are able to relax in your pivoting.

further questions?

EDIT. here's a quick video I recorded to demo some of the above ideas:

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